Busy but productive

In the first day of bamboo free existence it feels really good, like a weight has been lifted off my mind. Warm enough to eat breakfast outside (smoked salmon, potato waffles and gherkins- my comfort food!).

I planted some Sweet Williams and 7 dahlias in a freshly dug bead, plus another one is now in a pot. Took ages. VBit worried it’s going to be only 1 degree Celsius tonight as that’s not what it said earlier.

Started adding more soil to the raised beds and gave the cardboard a good soaking. I reckon it could take me another week to fill it enough to consider planting and sowing.

Began stacking up bags of waste which will go in a skip or will be removed via a licensed refuse collection. Feels good to be getting this all sorted finally.

Today MrH oiled a third of the decking, which looked very grateful afterwards. After a slow and restful morning I potted on tomato seedlings (really pleased with how they look), spent ages digging, tidying, sorting and cleaning. Blip is of one of the drawers in the fridge- some of the peppers are on the turn so I need to get a move on.

Did an online pub quiz this eve which was entertaining enough but saw a relatively low score. Better luck next Thursday.

It’s been a very full weekend and I reckon I’ve burned a lot of calories just by doing loads of stuff (much needed).

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