This was NOT a pub quiz.
It was quiz night at Ciarán's school tonight, and - ye haa - we won.
Unfortunately last year the winners did the very magnanimous task of giving their winnings back to the PTFA, and so we felt quite obliged to do the same.
Anyway, we still had the victory, and Ciarán will be so chuffed to know that his teacher has the trophy in her classroom.
In another life (i.e before the little darlings turned up) we used to do a pub quiz every Monday night at the Alma Tavern - the best way to start the week was to lubricate a Monday night with several pints of Guinness.
We frequently finished second, but never seemed to win.
When we did finally win, we got a pile of cash and a playstation 2.
Every week there was a joke round, and the winning joke won either a tenner or a round of drinks.
We won that once (well my clean living Catholic wife did) with an exceptionally clean joke: "How do you get a nun pregnant"
Unfortunately the answer is too rude to post on here, but it's only 2 words.
There was some tricky questions tonight, and a twist or stick round where we got all the questions right made sure we won by 6 or 8 points.
So pop quiz time. Which Japanese car manufacturer translates as fifty bells.
No Googling now.
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