Lunch time walk

Boys skipped (well, ran) into school, I barely have a chance to say good bye to them these days.  

Home for a morning of getting some work done that's been playing on my mind, I got it done faster than expected (when does that happen!) and got out for an early lunch walk which was great head-space. 

Collected two happy boys, they even kept it together when we got home and not a single cross word all evening (tiredness usually prevails at some point). 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Morning phone call from an old friend who's had a tough couple of years and for who life is starting to work out 
Lovely walk in the sunshine - I took the picture for the youngest who loves tele-handlers 
Starting to get on top of things, it's all been quite busy over the last couple of weeks and the end is in sight! 

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