More than we bargained for

We have gone away for a few days and when we arrived the owner suggested we might like to go for a short walk to the top of the hill opposite where we are staying to see the views. He said there were some cows in the field we would have to go through which wasn’t a problem to us. When we opened the gate, the cows were all lying down but seeing us they got onto their feet, we were their sport. They followed us up the hill and wouldn’t leave my husband be as he was tying up the rope. I am not going back that way I said. We searched all around the perimeter after examine the view but the only route back was back the way we had come. This time securing the gate was more tricky as the cows hadn’t moved and we were on the same side as the cows. I walked off but they didn’t follow me. They had taken a shine to my husband. One of the cows took his hankie out of his pocket and he had muddy trousers when we returned. We won’t be going up there again. 

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