The Red Tractor

was the one photo I managed to take today.

It was a very busy day with a visit to the Bank followed by a circuitous route home. We passed the site of another golf course under construction near St Andrews. The site is covered by numerous earth moving machinery and tractors.

This one will be Feddinch Golf Course. I believe that we live in an area with more Golf Courses per head of population than anywhere else in the world.

Naturally, I do not play the game!

Today starts the easing of restrictions and opening of various establishments.

This afternoon we had a most welcome call concerning the resumption of our volunteer work. The call lasted 100 minutes and was full of great news which I hope to share later.

We have been in business for 30 years and decided that the Architecture and Planning side will stop, allowing us to concentrate on more fun and less stressful activities.

And the Red Tractor? I had not taken any photos today. This model was to hand. We believe that it belonged to Pat’s father when he was a child.

It is certainly 100 years old and is cast metal. It is solid. The engineering is crude. The casting is crude and the paintwork is just awful.

And yet, it has a charm. I have been able to find out nothing about it and I suspect it may have made by a local blacksmith in California.

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