Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Snap-On a day in the life of..........

The Garden Fairy dreams, she dreams of her technical assistant, “Snap-On,” the fixer and master bodger. 
Following her successful destruction of the submersible pump in the garden water tank, she was amazed at his alacrity, ordering a new pump, rerouting the wiring and new microporous hose system. So she tried something else in the house. Taking her new granite chopping board, which blunted Snap-On’s knives she threw it at gravity, the corner of the board dented the new flooring. Woe was her reaction to Snap-On’s reaction, which was negative. He simply asked his bessy mate to repair the dint using skills long passed down from craftsman to craftsman. All is well, or was until she demanded the cat, Detective Chief Inspector Morse, to return from his forays with an offering of peace. Morse misheard the word peace and delivered a piece of mouse, actually he went overboard and returned with a whole live mouse. 
Snap-On, a heroic sort, picked up the rodent by the tail, showed it to the Garden Fairy, whereupon a new noise was heard, shrieking, wailing and blabbering, soon the Garden Fairy stopped these noises as the mouse was removed to it’s natural environment. Snap-On gave the animal water, it sipped and curled up in terror. Snap-On tried the Heimlich manoeuvre; the ungracious mouse bit him. Many were the curses, emotional ties with the rodent were cut and the cat found his quarry again. Mouse cutlets are tiny, but nutritious. 
In this image the Garden Fairy sees her water supply being repaired by a handsome, dashing lothario. Perhaps she should have stayed asleep, nothing gets broken when she is non-ambulatory.

I have attached a link to the Oirish Olympics. Some may find it amusing, I find it too close to the truth. 

Irish Olympics

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