Day 400 The best card

Today I missed a trick photographically, as I had to go back to the hospital for a wound check and dressing change.  En route the horse chestnuts had come into leaf and of course the hospital grounds and building themselves are pretty to photograph.  When I returned, however, I saw that Violet had made this very special Get Well card for me at school so instead I decided that it would be my blip for today: the horse chestnuts can wait for another day!

In other news: the dressing change took rather longer than I had anticipated.  The compression dressing (extending beyond the surgical wound dressing, which is fine) when removed last Tuesday had left quite extensive damage to the surrounding area (which as I had a hip replacement, I will leave to your imagination!) The damage, officially know as Medical Adhesive Related Skin Injury, took quite a time to clean and redress, so two nurses were required as I had to lean in quite awkward position, and a doctor called to confirm the choice of new dressings.  I now have an extra dressing change  booked for Thursday, when they want my consultant to see it!  There were many apologies for possibly hurting me, but they didn't, as firstly I can't see the damage and secondly the area is still really rather numb.

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