A Poplar choice of tree in these parts .

A day out in Leicester for a garden visit with my dad . Much cooler than on Saturday and with the added threat of rain .
However , my youngest brother (the essential family carer) had wrapped him up warmly , the rain held off and after a sticky patch of silence dad came round and we managed a conversation. Mainly about his holidays on the Isle of Barra which was his happy place . It was good to revisit it through our shared memories.
We had fish and chips for lunch looking at these impressive stands of Poplar trees . They create a series of borders and boundaries in the local park which was the only green space we knew well as children. It’s a lovely place to walk and this photo doesn’t do it credit. We could just about see the tops of these trees from our family home .
The roads were horribly busy , it feels like we have done quite enough travelling in a southern direction for now .
Tomorrow we are driving north to meet a friend for a walk near to Ullswater . I hope the weather gods will treat us kindly .

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