
By fairyhedgehog

Duck and Goose and Guinea Pigs

It was quite a day.

I took my new clarinet to a UPS drop off point to be sent to the shop for sorting out the barrel, then came home and tried to record a simple tune on my other clarinet for the online school's Performance Week. I can play every part of Singing in the Rain faultlessly - but never all in one go! My best recording has one squeak and one failed note. Still, there's always tomorrow.

I went for a walk with Neil and we fed the ducks and geese - most of them were asleep but a few  came over to get food. They're all so very tame.

Then I drove to Pets at Home to take James and Carly to get guinea pigs.  They've been keeping piggies for many years, and most recently they had two brothers, who were rescue pigs, but one sadly died suddenly yesterday. The remaining one was pining terribly - guinea pigs don't cope well with being alone. So now he has two little girl companions and the difference is startling. They all seem very happy together and it was lovely to see.

All in all it was a very good day but I can't wait for bedtime.

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