
By FarmerGirl

Gyrocoptering around town

This weekend our wee town has been invaded by small noisy Gyrocopters, planes and helicopters flying high in the sky. Watching them fly over the farm, makes me wonder how on earth there hasn't been an accident in one of these contraptions. On a couple of the Gyrocopters that I saw, the pilot , sits on a seat with no cab for protection, only harnessed in by a safety belt. This intrigued me, so I just had to go down to the Aerodrome and take a look at them further.

The Gryocopter in the photo was just about to land when we arrived - and interestingly enough, his passenger was videoing the whole experience. This was the only double copter there - the others there only sat one person, the Pilot.

I learnt today that Gryocopters can't stall, they can't spin, they land at zero miles an hour and cope with extreme weather that would keep many recreational aircraft on the ground. Now that is impressive - but you still wouldn't see me in one!

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