Ted came to me later in life (for a bear anyway) - when I was 29... in fact it was on or very close to Christmas Eve 1987. He was given to me as a parting gift from the people I'd worked with in London for two or so years. I've got no idea why they chose to give me a bear (a long with a few other odds and sods including a bath towel with my login embroidered on it AD51CAL). All very odd now I reflect on it. I had a girlfriend who worked there too so perhaps she was consulted. I wish I'd kept the box he came in (from Boots Chemist) "Traditional Bear with Growl" it said. (Alas he lost his growl long ago.)
I still have contact with my boss from that job and we spent some time together on my one and only trip back to the UK since then (see yesterday's blip).
Ted has seen a lot - and for a time there (I will admit) he was my closest confidante. I spoke to him regularly. Times have changed much since then. It's been interesting to note how our relationship has changed as other things (people and pets) have come into my life. I will spare you the details!
Anyway - great to still have him and great to basically ignore him mostly now (although he does sit beside my bed!)
Enough of this naval gazing! While on that subject, fellow blipper LurlineStill and I have known each other for over 20 years now. A year or so after we met, a group of us where mucking around working out appropriate nicknames for each other and she (rightly) gave me a nickname "Chamois" (in Australia pronounced "Shammy") because I was self-absorbing :) (Thanks, and all the best to Tassie, my friend!)
PS. Ted's shoes were my nearly-18-year-old son's first pair of shoes! Says it all really.
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