
By maddogmagpie


Who knows what this title refers to?

This wall? - A bit too literal/obvious

Our spirits after over a year of restrictions and terrible things happening constantly, both close at home and far away? -

The basic humanity of the selfish clowns protesting in the street because they might have to wear a mask down Tesco, and can’t sit in pubs spreading a lethal viral load to everyone around them while they shout their latest conspiracy madness? - Well yes, obviously; but still no.

Or our political system that allows a callous, incompetent clown and his sociopath friends literally loot the public purse with impunity, while anchors (which also works as rhyming slang here) on a once great public broadcasting network shout down anyone who complains with a smirk and a “does the public even care?” - Oh yes, we have a winner. A winner who clearly didn’t understand the phrase about evil triumphing when the good do nothing. Who chooses to ignore that a large section of the public only fail to care because they have been bombarded with the message that they shouldn’t.

I still think that they will eventually. Just give it time.

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