(or dieffer). My houseplant book (pub. 1980) says of Dieffenbachias "Mature plants produce uninteresting arum-like inflorescences that are best removed as they appear". This has just appeared on mine for the first time - possibly encouraged by the Amaryllis next to it (extra) - and I think it's magnificent. Houseplants have a rough time in my dark and fairly chilly house, and if they want to produce inflorescences then I'm all for it. I bought a couple of large-leaved Calatheas back in January, hoping they'd provide long-term replacements for fresh flowers. One is still fine, but the other, bigger and more showy, shrivelled up and died within a week. Also potted chrysanthemums keel over in about three days, whereas cut chrysanths in vases last for two or three weeks. Orchids work wonderfully and then come back if I put them on the bathroom windowsill and neglect them for months, the same for lilies and spring bulbs which I move outside once they've finished, but most other flowering plants and quite a few leafy ones hate my house (and/or me), even though I try to be really nice and friendly towards them. It's a mystery.

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