
By DramaQueen


All work has stopped on our neighbours office/pub....someone not us I hasten to add has reported him to the council!
It seems that due to the size (and despite building regs), planning permission is required. If it’s not granted, the whole thing will have to be pulled down
It must be an awful position to be in, especially given how far they’ve got and what they’ve spent on it so far; it’s not like they can take any of it back for a refund!

In a (kind of) similar situation, we’ve also had a tough decision to make; as a result, we’ve cancelled our Vegas wedding!

Every time we’ve had to change, (understandably) the price goes up. We have to draw a line somewhere.

We agreed it was a lot of money to be spending, even if it was our wedding/honeymoon, to not be able to get maximum enjoyment out of it.

Although the consultant is doing his best for me, there’s always that little bit of doubt that I won’t be quite fit enough. Coupled with the worry of a long haul flight so soon after everything comes off and the uncertainty of vaccine passports & quarantine. It’s just a bit too much.
Although I’m gutted we aren’t going to be able to do what we planned (2 years ago!!), I’m relieved at the same time.

Our travel agent has said we won’t be able to get a refund, as from their point of view the holiday can still go ahead. However, they’re happy to keep the money on our account as credit towards a future booking. We’d already planned to return to South Africa for my big birthday next summer, so the money will pay for that and we will get any surplus back for spends.

The money we should have been paying to settle the final balance for the Vegas trip has instead gone towards an intimate ceremony in Gretna Green, still at the end of August this year.
This will just be us and immediate family and even if I’m still not 100%, it doesn’t matter as I don’t feel under as much pressure as I would if we were travelling abroad.
For me, location doesn’t matter, it’s who I’m marrying that’s important :-)

My planning hat is now firmly on, trying to figure out flowers, cake, hairdresser etc but it’s keeping me busy while I’m still off work!

DQ x

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