Another DWP

DWP - dog walk picture.
This time a knapweed I believe. The colour just jumps out of the grass verge. Without doubt my favourite colour.
Went out quite early for me with the dogs, just round the block as had a hair appointment. So then back, office work and took them out again for a longer walk after lunch.
When I got back, a strange thing had happened. Son is working from home still, he had answered a call at the door to a chap who was asking for husband. Anyway it transpires he was a representative from one of these probate genealogists. Heir Hunters they are also called.
So I looked over the paperwork and all looks quite above board. I phoned the Edinburgh company and chatted to the contact there. Seems a second cousin passed away recently, had no family, no brothers or sisters, so the inheritance is to be passed along the family. Husband and his brother are in-line for one fifth of whatever that may be. The chap owned his own home in Edinburgh, but that’s all we know at this stage.
Relayed all the info to husband when he got home. He knew there were relatives but hadn’t ever known them.
Time will tell. Seemingly it can take anywhere from 6 months to 6 years to sort out!

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