Bowl of ......
...... fruit!
That's my offering today, I've been quite busy and forgot the blip.
I was up at 6.30am doing ironing, making beds ( clean linen ) . Then I started to get the pots off the opposite patch , I need to empty them as I am going to have new ones soon !!! Weather still not warm enough for most plants at present. Then it was Sainsbury's shopping which took longer than I thought. Just me with an haggled brain??
Now I have a problem with a phone number being blocked from my one , don't know why this has happened , tried this way and that , still no joy . Will have to ring the provider , but tomorrow will be ok.
Have a good evening all.
Thoughtful ..... about the length of time I've lived here and hardly spoken to a soul. In this last few days so many people have helped me with shopping or large items . So kind of everyone
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