Gromit Rules

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

I was feeling really quite down today. 

I know that Gromit spent quite a lot of yesterday fighting to keep me. But she was downcast by the end of the day. She had got into a huge fight with the resourcing manager, over my going to another project. Apparently it all got quite personal. 

So I didn't have much hope.

Still, I tried to talk myself up. I mean, it's not like I haven't been on shitty projects before. And you get through it. 

"At least I have a job," I said. "And the office is near to the train station, and I only have to go in three days a week and and and..."

But I was not fully convinced. Being taken out of Team Gromit made me feel sad. And there was also that part of me that thought, "Well, this validates my cynicism. Gromit made me think there was a better way of doing things, but even she can't fight stupidity."

However, at least I knew I would have a fun day today. It was a Team Gromit all-day workshop. And while the phrase "all-day workshop" may make the hearts of most office workers sink, let me tell you the atmosphere at a Gromit workshop is always fun, energised and supportive. 

Toward the end of the day, Gromit got called into AN EMERGENCY MEETING.

"That's all YOUR fault," said Fazzy who knew of the unfolding drama. 

When Gromit returned she announced to the group there was a very good chance I'd be leaving her project soon. And I was really very touched by the protests from everyone in the team. 

It's nice to feel valued. 

I was on my way home when I got a text from Gromit, "You're back on the project full time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

It was something like that. There were a lot of exclamation marks. 

As always there is a catch. Project Bumhole will replace me in three weeks - but for those next three weeks I have to be on their project FULL TIME. 

That's all right. Three weeks of poop followed by 6 months back with Gromit and the gang is nothing. 

And once again, Gromit has astounded me. 

And then she sent me this picture of a chicken*.

Feeling full of good feelings and relief, I invited Fazzy and Gromit (and families) to Paraparaumu for lunch after Eid. I told Gromit via text that I'd consult with Caro on the date after she had finished Below Deck**. 

"I hope you're talking about the TV show!!!!!!!!!!!" was Gromit's response.

FFS. No wonder we are friends.


* "Tuti" the chicken.

** Which is a reality show about the lives of luxury yacht staff

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