Didn’t see much of the day, apart from a chat with the gardener, who did sterling work again. Not sure what he made of me photographing an iris.
A work day, interspersed with holding bits of board for Mr B, while he continues the quest to civilise the house. Eventually I think it will consist of a sufficiently high proportion of OSB that we can relax.
The ‘rat table’ was moved away from the house, sending the rats into a panic of visibility about where their next meal will come from.
Some inevitable but sad news about our oldest neighbour, who died in the early hours. Much wrangling amongst the other neighbours about who got a coveted funeral place (I didn’t get involved - with only 25 people allowed I don’t think I should be there). He had a steep decline through Alzheimers - sad to see for such a sharp and active chap. When my Mam met him she said he was a gallant old gentleman, though in fact he was younger than her.
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