Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

SIN Card

I wanted to register with the Canadian government today to see my Canada Pension information. So of course they needed an arm and a leg from me to prove who I am.

But for some reason it wouldn’t recognize me. It kept coming up in an error. At least it gave me a phone number to call. I spoke with a very helpful woman who helped me figure it all out.

Seems that when I initially registered for my social insurance number, I miss spelled my mother’s last name. Sheesh.

So I had to go get my original card and my birth certificate and my passport to prove my identity. This is the photo of my SIN card which looks like it has seen better days.

But that was back in 1975, so it’s been around a few years. 46 years of my math is correct. Probably one of the oldest things I own.

At least I got that fixed up before I need to figure out my pension. Bless her heart I’m glad the lady was so helpful.

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