The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Where To Grind

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I think I might have seen the most middle class thing ever. This was posted on the Pentland Hills Users FB page...

“Anyone on here really enjoy having a freshly ground coffee on the summits??

Any recommendations for travel coffee kits??

I know I could grind and flask before leaving, but I like the thought of doing it up there......”

I might let Nespresso know about this gap in the market!

In other news - we went to a pub with (Kitty Cat and Marsh) for the first time in almost 7 months! It was a balmy 6°C. Perfect beer garden weather! We were slightly shivering (despite me wearing a jumper, 2 jackets, a scarf, gloves and 3 pairs of socks) but it was great to be out with our friends. A lovely distraction as our world feels quite far from normal at the moment.


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