Place: St Pete, FL 70/84
Main activity: Thurs - work, bike rack assembly
Notes: Woke early again but feeling rested. Starting the day with some quiet gratitude or meditation is grounding and I'm doing more of this every day. Work-wise, I dug into the scheduling system and Google calendar API setup since the data syncing from the site is not working right, stripping out info, etc. It was a solid 6 hrs of work and there are still some fields not working correctly - now waiting on answers from the plugin company. On a morning break, I assembled the new trailer hitch bike rack that will go on the new car - exciting! Talked to Alison for a bit and then quiet rest of the day - did not leave my unit but sat outside for a bit in the morning and evening enjoy the sights, bird sounds and ocean air. Pic in the evening of building reflecting the sunset - one little sign in the water (on another shot to the east) was also lit up and looked like a small fire (very cool!).

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