Guess Who

I woke just after  6.30 am. A clear morning with bright sunshine. There had been a touch of frost. It was Bluebell Friday, the Friday before the bluebells in the local woods reach their peak.

I turfed Basil off the bed to get ourselves ready to drive to Loughborough. I believe we were in the woods shortly before 8 am.

I'm sure the lack of rain is responsible for the bluebells looking a bit straggly and not as concentrated as in previous years. They look a bit stunted. But still a marvellous blue.

We spent almost two hours in the wood. Basil met some canine friends.

By the time we had to walk down to the market, my legs were feeling distinctly weary. Basil had lost the spring in his step. The market was busy.

Louis the fishmonger told us about the time he unexpectedly found himself in a threesome, but the girls kicked him out of the caravan.

Then to Colin's. It was warm in the sun. One café con cognac and two g&t's later, I tottered home.

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