Brexit grumble and Holmfirth

In January, I bought a gravity blanket to see whether it would improve my sleeping, which is a little on the light side, these days. (It has, but not by actually miraculous amounts.) Nervous about post-Brexit tariffs, I deliberately bought from a British company, Gravity Blankets UK.

It turns out, though, chums, that they are "dropshippers"; you pay your money (in Sterling) to them, but the goods are delivered from the EU. Crucially, they are delivered directly to you, so you get to pay the taxes, £68 in my case :-/

(Obviously, I contacted them about this and there is, admittedly, tucked away on their shipping page, a note saying the customer is liable for any taxes. That note should, of course, be on their landing page in a very large font.)

Still, my mood was only temporarily dampened for today the Minx and I were going on holiday! A short holiday, I grant you, but a holiday nonetheless!

Our destination: Holmfirth, just an hour's drive east of Manchester. We've been here on a few occasions for gigs - we first saw Public Service Broadcasting here - and liked the town so much that we always said we should come and stay here.

And so we have, to a wonderful little AirBnB, just on a lane leading up out of town. We did take a stroll out to the shops but mostly we stayed in, enjoying the cottage and pleasure of getting away from it all!

Reading: '(R)evolution' by Gary Numan

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