Everything's Going To Be Alright

I get a bit excited at this time of year. So much green! Tonight is Beltane - bringing in the summer, oh joy. Today was a good day - course it was, it was a bike day.

Have arranged dawn climb of Arthur's Seat tomorrow with my girl. Imagine it will be part of tomorrow's blip.

Today had a cracking blip that got away story. Was cycling home along the prom and spotted one of these nest like stick sculptures an artist often makes on the beach. The tides was in around it, the sun was shinning, the structure was perfect. I wheeled my bike down got my phone out, got the camera ready, noticed a message from a fellow bliper, replied to him, looked up and was totally confused, perplexed - where was my photo, my beautiful sculpture???

Yes folks, the blip that got away. The waves had silently knocked the nest of sticks over. My shot was gone. Never allow social media to distract you from the moment!!!

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