Blossom and poo

A busy day. First to get out to the drive through vaccination centre at Queen Margaret University for my second jag. So far just a mild arm ache.

After a 15 minute wait back home to find my annual bowel screening kit had arrived in the post. This prompted me to ask our daughter, who has studied and lived in England now for many years, whether she had heard of the NHS Scotland poo song. She had not and was surprised. I’ve tried to put a link below but if it does not work a quick google will find it.
Apart from being an ear worm I think it is a brilliant piece of media to get people to overcome any anxieties about doing the test.

Then off to the west of Edinburgh for a couple of appointments before heading home. Took ages with roadworks and new traffic routes. I just had time to stop off and photograph Corstorphine Kirk where their blossom is in full bloom. Reminds me I must check on the Meadows.

An afternoon rest in the garden in some warm sunshine behind a windbreak. Then tested my back on a walk up Blackford Hill late afternoon. Cool and overcast by then. The gorse is still in bloom and trees now coming in to leaf. Good to get back up there again.

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