Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Fish day

Little Mouse had a day off nursery to go buy his first fish.

They won't stay still.

Meet Boobie, Pinky and Luka.

At least I think that's what he decided on.

Who knows.

Blue wagtail platy.

Poor Mr Mouse every fish he wanted I had to say no.

Fish centre dude was nice and knowledgeable and was fine about our tiny tank. And said all the fish I picked as potential starters were good choices. Yay I still remember some stuff, right let's hope I remember enough and have read enough to keep them alive.

He did confirm what I already knew the tank is too small for my shark (red fin shark, always one of my favourites).

I think the hard bit will be feeding, or rather stopping little mouse from feeding them every 5 seconds. Now two weeks until we can add more. I am thinking green neon tetra, I've never seen green before, they are really pretty

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