Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Poorly again

Henry woke up unusually for him at 10.30 last night quite upset - I'd just gone to get him some calpol when I heard him being sick - poor boy! He was really upset and still half asleep and had fallen face first in it too. After a quick clean up we went into the spare room and snuggled up and he slept until 5am, had some milk and cbeebies and went back to sleep until 9.30.

We've had a good day with lots of playing, some crafting and a long walk - interspersed with a few tantrums (I'm a horrible person for not letting him empty out Pringles all over the floor) and a horrible explosive nappy.

Today's blip is from our walk - even though its pretty miserable outside it was good to get some fresh air. Henry insisted on taking a small pack of cheese with him so he could have a snack as we walked!

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