
By jennyg

The last of the Tulips

Yesterday I went over to Truro to sort out a new mattress. I have at the moment a Tempur mattress but it is 15 year old and it is now too soft with my back problem, in fact I have wanted to go to the shop at the beginning on lockdown. 

In the mean while I brought myself a camping mat that is firm and have been sleeping on that. 

I was in the shop for over 2 1/2 hours making up my mind. I have gone for another temper but the firm one also this has 100 day trial so if I have got it wrong I can change it, the only problem was when, by the time I had sat at the sales desk and sorting   everything our there, i was in a lot of pain in my back and by the time I got back I was in agony. I just managed to do a blip.

Today it is still not good but spending most of the day laying on the floor and doing my exercises it feel more comparable. 

I caught up with everyones blips using my phone lying on the floor so sorry it there are any mistakes.

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