A visit from the boys

#2 daughter and family came for the afternoon. It was so cold we had them in the conservatory. James aged 6 was very excited as he’d been pleading with his mum for ages to get him hair gel so she took him to the shop to get some - £3 for 2 different ones. He’s trying them out. What is it with the younger 2 boys? Nathaniel aged 7 is precious about his hair too. He won’t have it cut. Thomas aged 8 couldn’t care less.

Mr C took the boys up to the wood but the heavy April showers kept bringing them in. It was snowing when they drove over the moor. They played knock out whist with us. Thomas spotted from the window a small brown bird flitting quickly in and out of the climbing jasmine. It was too fast for him to identify. We could just see a nest with 2 or maybe 3 open beaks so we quickly moved away. Thomas is worried the baby birds might die in the cold nights. James says we have to tell him if they die. He can handle it he thinks.

I’m delighted to say that my foot today is merely painful not excruciating. I don’t know if this is as a result of me doing all the exercises or getting help from a special sock Gill brought me yesterday. Or maybe a combination. But it gives me hope that I’ll be able to get out for walks on our forthcoming van trip to the Outer Hebrides.

Line of Duty tomorrow. Please don’t let H be Hastings. Or the wee donkey. Mr C says it’s Matt Hancock.

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