The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Poorly pops

I'm a wee sick note today, didn't sleep well last night, didn't play very well at the park with tante Becs, Anouk and Ruben, didn't eat my lunch and didn't want to have a nap... eventually passed out in the car.

I've got very sore eyes, maybe a sore ear and a bit of a temperature, needed lots of cuddles and kisses and after a quick bath to try and calm me down (unsuccesfully) I'm already tucked up in bed at 6.45... mama better think about doing the same with hers as we could be in for a tough one. Just amazing how much a silly little bug can hit you, but it's also amazing how quickly us wee ones can fight back so hoping it's a better day tomorrow!

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