Cranes and Swans

We spent the morning listening to online speeches and other activities from Vänster (The Left) party. There was a very interesting section about how much leaders of industry and the Left Party are in agreement. Huge changes are coming to society, because of the climate emergency, and industry understands, better than many politicians and the finance world, that government has a large part to play. It was very positive to hear. It is also unusual for our party to be looking to the USA as an example of the right way to go, but Biden also seems to understand that huge changes are needed to the infrastructure of society, and only government can make those changes.
Once all that was over I decided on an e-cycle. I am wondering if I can complete 1000 kms on my e-bike this summer. It's about 5 months to when the bike goes away for winter so the math is pretty simple @ 200 km a month.  I made a good start with 21 km on the 1st May!  As I was cycling the last bit home I passed the two fields of unharvested barley. Both the cranes and the swans seem to have decided this unlimited supply of food is too good to miss so they seem to have canceled their continued migration and are just eating and eating!
Here are just a few of the cranes in "their" field. The swans (extra) were across the road in "their" field, though there was the odd crane in there, sharing with the swans.

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