
By DramaQueen

Watch the birdie

There was plenty of activity in and out of the nest today.

To be fair, the garden in general was busy with wildlife, but our main focus is still on the great tits in the nest.

I was determined to get a photo of them entering/leaving the nest but they’re so fast, by the time I got my camera up they’d gone.

Next approach was to sit poised, camera at the ready. Of course that’s when they decided to have a siesta. My arms soon tired from holding the camera in one place.

Last ditch attempt was to stop being so bloody lazy get my tripod out.

Finally! Success! A video capture with the intention of screen grabbing the perfect frame. Only the laptop couldn’t decide the format from the SD card (it wasn’t mp4) so I was thwarted at the final hurdle.

I’ll never make a wildlife photographer that’s for sure! ;-)

DQ x

For anyone wondering, the nest is tucked right up in the top right corner of the photo, between the roof and inside the brick pillar

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