Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Cooking Again....

I've blipped this scene before but for those dropping by, I (and this merry band) volunteer to cook for an overnight homeless shelter in Edinburgh.

This was our last night of the season and also the second last night that the venue will be open until late autumn.

It was good to catch up with the folks in the picture and as always good to cook food for folk who for whatever reason have found themselves homeless.

Alas it is a problem that won't be going away soon and so with that in mind, it will be great to regroup with these crazies and get back cooking when the time comes round again.

And in the meantime, I'll be very grateful that I have a place that I can call home and I do hope that some of the people that we met over the winter can move forward in a positive direction.

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