On a walk along the Garleton Hills we passed the ruins of Barnes Castle which was never completed.  It was begun by Sir John Seton who became the Royal Steward in Spain then James VI’s Treasurer of the Household and a Lord of Session and rewarded with Garleton Castle.  He planned a Spanish style castle at Barnes nearby but building ceased when he died unexpectedly in 1594 when he was still relatively young.  There is evidence of gun loops and towers being started but mostly the walls are barely about 5 m high although the vaulted basement was completed giving it the alternative name of the Barney Vaults. They still look impressive and are large enough to store various disused agricultural machinery and items for the neighbouring farm.
It is in an imposing setting with views across farmland towards the sea in the east and the Lammermuirs in the south, still with patches of snow, and views north towards Fife and the higher part of the ridge to the west.  It was an easy walk from there to the verdant banks of the Tyne near Sandy’s Mill and back along the river to Haddington and fortunately the dark rain clouds missed us.

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