My painting table.
It's been a very weird week.....sort of explains a lack of postings here!
I've been back in the mudroom since April 18th dealing with the long list of production to be completed before i head out west for the birth of my daughter's son! Things were going well, the kiln was loaded for the first bisque on the 27th April (coincidentally the same day i got my first covid vaccine). On the 28th I went into the studio expecting the place to be nice a warm, and it was, but something was off, it was TOO warm! I checked the computer screen on the kiln and it was definitely way off! Long story short.....somehow (and i sort of know what that somehow is!!!) the kiln got reprogrammed to fire at a Glaze temp! Now for those who don't know the difference, here you go! A bisque goes to about 1700 degrees F, leaving the pots in a somewhat porous state to enable me to dip them into the glaze which they absorb! A glaze kiln goes to 2400 degrees F.....rendering them completely unglazable!!!! So you can imagine my feelings at this point....i felt rather nauseous! The kiln held about 3 weeks worth of work, over $5,000 worth of product, almost completed!!!! Yeah, to say i was a bit depressed is an understatement!
The first couple of days after this disaster were not the greatest, but i just had to get to it and redo my production list and schedule, and get back into making more pots! Now, 4 days later, i've basically put it to's only money and time after all, not like anyone died!!!
So today, and yesterday i treated myself to doing some painting! Now that feels better!
Nova Scotia is now in lock down, the #'s of covid cases has risen dramatically over the past we're now kinda like the rest of the world!!! We were doing so well, hopefully with this major lock down we'll get it under control!
And for a bit of fun....see the extra! my Canadian cousin sent this to me the other day!!!
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