Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Flower Friday - Starting to Bloom

A late blip of the day...

What can I say? We had a day at home. SA Meeting on Zoom at 10 followed by our own service on YouTube at 11. Then lunch and then we both needed to recover from the busyness of last week!

G started work early on AWANA's next lesson and I spent a few hours finishing the visuals for a new video, hoping to post it before 12 am but it was just after midnight that I could finally publish it. Oh well. A challenging day in more ways than that but we're always looking forward to a new day!

The big thing to record is G appearing in today's edition of Friday magazine! It's not the best-written article, in fact, I am gob-smacked at how insensitive the writer is - a twenty-something, G said. I ventured out in the evening to the local hypermarket to buy a copy of the newspaper for posterity!

My blip is of the flame tree outside the living room window. It is beginning to throw out gorgeous, red flowers. :)))

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