
There was an icy wind and rain, on and off, but it didn't spoil a fascinating charcoal-making workshop near Killearn run by Green Aspirations Scotland. A small but jovial group of participants were entertained and instructed on the uses of charcoal and shown different methods of producing it, helping to fill the kiln with timber, light it and regulate the temperature and distribution of heat once it got going.

Later, back in Glasgow, I was shopping in Iceland. 'I know it's a stupid question,' said the guy at the checkout, 'but can you smell hot dogs?' 'It's not hot dogs, it's woodsmoke,' I said and extended my arm so he could sniff my jacket. He inhaled with unexpected pleasure, to be followed by the two customers behind me in the queue, relishing the foretaste of a summer barbecue they were already beginning to anticipate.

There's a niche market that's waiting to be tapped, don't you think?

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