
By WeeChris

Another Canterbury Busker

Another Friday and another venue to lecture in. Less urgency this morning since I now have the lectures off pat and I know where I'm going; this time it was back to the Feilder Centre in Hatfield. I must say I'm getting a bit jaded after five consecutive Fridays.

I dropped in to work to checkout a couple of patients and make sure the handover to my colleagues was OK then walked back through mist and thin wet rain. This guy was sheltering outside Jessops closed doors singing. He didn't have much of a voice but I wanted a shot of his face so I gave him 50p and he was delighted to have his photo taken. I took some others in and around the Cathedral grounds. Two women were up some scaffolding with vacuum cleaners cleaning the cloister roof of cobwebs. Apparently they do it regularly every twenty years! The photos I took of them were useless.

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