The Rubicon
Not a very political or meaningful blip today... this is the halfway point on the traditional walk I make with the dog - the Rubicon - although I'm hardly "committing irrevocably to a grave course of action". I'm using the term simply to mean that if I turn around now it will take me just as long to get home as if I were to keep going (all other things being equal).
Oddly though, the second half of the walk is less exposed to the weather than the first half and therefore much more comfortable than the first half - so I could be using it to mean "committing irrevocably to a better course of action"!
Here's another "reframe" - the definition of the word "risk" is changing. It used to always be something bad akin to "chance or probability of loss".
It now means (in some circles) "the effect of uncertainty on objectives". It's a much better definition in my book because it takes the arrogance of (western) humanity out of the definition.
Uncertainty can sometimes result in positive outcomes! Who are we to think we know better?
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