Easter Saturday, not quite Midnight mass

Midnight Mass had been moved to 9pm, so the Government and Social Media said. Maybe I shouldn't have ignored the bells at 8pm and gone then.. I arrived just before 9pm to fireworks, hymns, people carrying candles, people leaving. I'd missed the mass.. gutted.. it's meant to be something quite special - oh well - I wandered up to the other church in the other direction - people were going into the Church to pray. Everyone was so well dressed too, despite having to stand in the street. So nice to see how much they still have these traditions. I don't want to use the word spectacle because it's not appropriate, but it was certainly full of life - any suggestions on better language, says she the language teacher?! The Church is where the fireworks are exploding, I blipped it a while ago (https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2815105146613139987). The fireworks continued on into the night - some so loud I jumped! Not what I'm used to for Easter. 
Other than that, today was Pilates online, a good long walk and bought some freshly harvested lavender from my old lady flower seller - bunches were 20 euro, a bag sufficed! And study - I'm lost with this essay - hopefully I'll work it out.. 
And more people are getting cafes ready for Monday's opening. In fact, some were having trial openings last night and tonight.. although I'm not sure the trials are official - nice to see some life returning to the city. 
Utterly speechless that the Australian government has issued a ban on citizens returning from India with jail terms and huge fines..

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