Just the Withers......

By JaneW

We went out ...

A joyous experience in furniture land and then John Lewis in Solihull .. we were giddy with excitement.. GIDDY AND SKITTISH.. in fact beautiful husband and I were probably fairly annoying to grown up sensible people ...
We didn’t buy anything in furniture land but we did go home and order on line as it’s not my cup of tea having to sit with a sales person to discuss the merits of a chest of drawers and do you want extras ... extras ? What like power steering or alloy wheels .. it’s a bloody chest of drawers. They actually were giving the hard sell to one couple over a tin of wax for the bedside table ... weird weird weird . Mind you it was entertaining.
I then saw a lamp I liked in John Lewis .. so we took a photo of it because the item was in fact out of stock in the store so I’ll also now order that on line ...
Despite just getting a coffee we had quite a good time on the rampage in Solihull.
Today a suburb of Birmingham tomorrow the world ... or the garden centre , I’ve not decided.

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