The Dogwood is thriving!
It’s been years since. Nigh on a decade. It almost succumbed to anthracnose.
Foliage would burst forth at a rate of knots in Spring, then immediately drop to the ground. It struggled through Summer the same. Months of labour intensive raking ensued. (it’s rather large)
I once brought a Tree Man in to cut it down. He took one look at it and said, “I’m not cutting that down. I’ll be arrested.” Seems it’s protected, by ... the law. “Give it water”, said he.
So I did. I’ve rigged up a hose at the gutter coming off the roof directly to the Dogwood, every winter since. Flooded the back forty at times.
But yeah. Success! Actually posting this May 3rd and Dogwood is still fully intact.
Thank you Tree Man.
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