
By Clazel


I’ve been thinking about Bealtaine and how the heron I saw in the torrential rain today is related.
For me bealtaine is the time when summer begins, earth energy is strong, a time of fertility and conception
Research reveals that heron symbolises the unity of two energies: land and water, As the water laps against the earth, gradually matter is broken down creating the foundation for new life to emerge, it’s not the traditional heated sexual energy associated with bealtaine but it is transformational and life giving. This sense of the creation out of the primordial soup evokes the words caressing, movement and fluidity.
I was blessed with a wonderful bealtaine image in the witnessing of the mating of holly blue butterflies in the warmth of West Wales (extra on 30th April).
My personal intentions are around writing, art and communication and there’s something perhaps about what needs to be gently worked on in me to allow my creativity to flow more freely. and at the same time I want to stay connected to the sheer joy and pleasure of dancing and twirling and communion of the butterflies in the sunshine - struggling with the words to weave this together - but then that’s the work

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