Journies at home

By journiesathome


We found a good patch of wild asparagus, 'somewhere over there' as the Ariègeois say about where to find mushrooms.
Mu was happy about the asparagus because  our mushroom forays usually end up with an empty basket and not knowing what to eat in the evening because we were counting on them for supper.
We should know better but hope conquers experience and it's not bad kicking around in the woods. I tell myself that the Japanese have a relationship with trees which is beneficial for the health.  I tell myself that mushrooms would be too if we'd found any of the buggers.
Once we went into a wood with David.  He carried a stick and methodically overturned every leaf.  Gab found handfuls of small, sluggy cèpes and showed them to David who said 'ça ne vaut rien' and chucked them back into the leaf mould.  We spent a good part of the morning in those woods.  The children began to get hungry and scratchy and I reassured them by saying that David's whiskey would be calling and so it did
We went back with a full basket though.

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