Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Highs and Lows

I saw a couple of events at Stover this afternoon that I'd heard about but never witnessed.
Walking around the lake a pair of mallard ducks were mating. I became aware that the male was prolonging the coupling, continually pushing the female under water as he grabbed her head. Eventually he broke away but very sadly the female didn't appear again and I presume that he only stopped as the poor female drowned.
Another couple were watching alongside me and not aware of what was happening. Duck society is  brutal.

Still feeling very moved by what I'd seen, I continued on around the lake.

 A pair of Great crested grebes have been in residence for about a week and they were the reason for my visit today.
Although very far out on the lake, they performed their courtship, complete with weed flourishes. 

The highs and lows of a nature walk

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