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I woke up shattered - I had such a vivid nightmare I woke with racing heart and pain all over my body, from my head to my toes! The night wasn't very restful after that! 
Nate was a happy boy this morning, he went on a school trip to the beach! They walked the 1.5 km had a play then walked back again - he was tired this evening! I spent the morning with a friend who lives in the refuge - it's always good to see her, but not necessarily easy. Later we had Caña Club at Nude. One of the women came by and was very very emotional. She needed underwear, clothes, toiletries. Claire and I went to go buy her stuff and packed a backpack up for her. Unfortunately she didn't come to collect it but hopefully she'll drop by the cafe tomorrow. It's so hard to know how to really help. Asha gave her a big hug and you could tell P was very moved by that, more tears. 
Tonight we had an online prayer thing with folks from across the island and UK. Good to be part of it. This track was played, so Ibiza. 
Our washing machine has broken - just as we have a mountain of stuff to wash. Joy.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The rain holding off so Nate could go on his greatly anticipated school trip.
2) Walking alongside these various women - all so strong in their own ways.
3) Our landlord being quick to get someone to look at our machine (tomorrow) and offering to replace it if it really looks kaput. 

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