Journies at home

By journiesathome

The writing on the wall

Luck was on my side with traffic lights but not doors. I'd played one game of solitaire too many this morning and realised I was late for school.  The front door lock was bust so I had to climb out of the window.  The traffic lights were green though.  I had to weave my way round a car trying to jump start another and waited outside the carpark gates while Mrs acceuil had her morning coffee fed her cats and cut her toe nails
The lights were green again on my way to collège and the stair well smelt of fresh paint which lifted my spirit and sloughed off my weariness.  Not sure what had happened on the first landing but here was the writing on the wall. Given the frugality of my life at the moment I felt a world away from Balshazzar and his feasting and took it as a good omen; a green light.

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