Spoon Shots

By spoonshots

Saddhu Sunday

Today is Lord Shiva's birthday so we joined the throngs going to Pashupatinath (massive Shiva temple near us, mega holy) to see what was going on. Surprisingly is was very well organised and everyone was cueing a massive lines to get in. We were told that we couldn't take pictures and we, being non-Hindu, can't go inside the temple itself. It wasn't the crazy mess I was expecting, and the Saddhu count was low as well. I snapped this guy on the way home.

More importantly today is Tibetan Uprising Day where Tibetans remember the failed attempt to remove the invading Chinese from their country. The stupa is surrounded by police and we had our bags checked as we walked through. Tibetans in Nepal, or anyone else for that matter, are not allowed to protest about the situation in Tibet, but there are protests in many countries around the world. Sad.

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