Thursday: Nature And Glass

I picked up the office car this morning from the garage where it was serviced yesterday.  The mileage on it was so low in the last year (just over 2,000 km) that it didn’t even need a service.  The battery kept showing as low, though (due to not being used) so they topped that up.  

My day wasn’t quite as productive as I would have liked as my computer was very glitchy today.  It kept on being very sticky, losing emails, and then adding emails back into my inbox that I dealt with days ago, all of which was very confusing.  Hopefully it will be better since, when in doubt, turn it off and on again.

And excitement!  I met real people for lunch today on a patio.  My Dutch colleague, Henk, and my US colleague, Brent.  We met to discuss a project we’re hoping to work on together.  It was great to see them.

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