Orchid appearing
A couple of years ago, we planted some orchid tubers in our meadow. The first year, 3 of the 5 appeared, and two of them flowered. Last year, I think just two of them grew leaves, but then something - muntjac, rabbit? - came along and munched them down to the ground. They didn't try again, so we never got any flowers.
This year, I have spotted just one little plantlet developing - we'll put some protection around it to try to prevent a similar incident, and hope for a flower.
Another day of "April showers in May" - sunny this morning, so I did three loads of washing and hung them out. Whilst I was out at the farm shop, black clouds came over, and by the time I got home, it was starting to rain - mad dash to take in all the washing, only for the sun to come out again! We're predicted heavy rain most of the day tomorrow.
W has decided to give up on attempting to repair his laptop, and continued dismantling it today to retrieve the hard drive. He had a hard drive reader from previously, so has now transferred his many Gb of files onto his desktop computer. He has innumerable duplicated files, so many fun hours ahead, trying to make sense of them.
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